The best tips to comfort your baby

Every single day we’re getting a lot of nice messages from happy moms and dads. They’re telling us that their baby is becoming a member of the happy floating team and that they really enjoy using the BabyFloat. We really love to read all those sweet messages and although they’re all heartwarming, there are always some messages that stand out. Just like last week.

A mommy told me that her baby was crying every day, every hour, every minute and every second of the day. She was exhausted and desperate at the same time. Her baby couldn’t sleep and be exhausted and feeling stressed as well. The parents tried everything, but nothing really helped in the long term. The only thing that her baby could comfort was a warm bath. But the panic was back after bathing. In her message, she wrote us that she bought a BabyFloat like one month ago. Her baby really liked bathing so he must like the BabyFloat, right? The first time she used it her baby was a bit confused, but after a while he really enjoyed it. He played in the water and was bobbing and kicking around.  She wrote: ‘’Thank you so much for this product, we (my baby and I) are so grateful. It’s really helping us. For the first time, my baby sleeps very well after bathing with the BabyFloat. Again thank you so much’’. That gave me the idea to write about how to comfort your baby in some very, very stressed situations!

1. Don’t take it personally and never doubt your abilities as a parent!

First of all, don’t worry. All babies have moments, days or weeks they cry more than usual. And of course, it can be very upsetting and frustrating for parents who are trying to soothe them (all day).  Crying time generally increases two or three weeks of age, but in some cases, it’s peaking about eight weeks or even about four months. An Estimated of 10 per cent of babies cries a lot. Many of them are just more sensitive and easily overwhelmed than others. We all know it’s not easy, but always keep in mind that you’re doing it great. Try to (I know it’s hard sometimes) be kind for yourself and relax, because your baby can feel that too. 

2. Observe your baby

In the beginning, all cries sound all the same, but after a while, you’ll get to know your baby. You can interpret the crying. ‘’That’s a hungry cry’’. Work through the possible issues, such as hunger, nappy discomfort, temperature and so on. After that: observe your baby when he’s NOT crying. What does he like? What are his interests? By looking at his interests and what he’s watching (voice, pulling faces, etc), you can make contact with him and distract him.

3. Keep your baby close

Put on some nice relaxing music, cuddle a lot, rock them, give them something to suck on. Keeping your baby close is always a good idea. You can use a baby carrier to keep a little bit more freedom of movement. In a baby carrier, the ear of your baby is close to your heart. Your baby can hear your heartbeat and become calm, just like in the womb.

 4. Still crying..?

Ever heart about The Happiest Baby (THB) method from dr. Harvey Karp? It’s all about the five steps: Swaddling, side/stomach, shushing, swinging and sucking. Take a look at for more information. 

Well, keep up the good work and see you next time. If you have some more tips we would love to hear them! 
