Cooling off with the Babyfloat


It’s a fact. The Netherlands is dealing with a heatwave and official drought. It’s bizarre that even in a country such as Holland it’s possible to have this kind of dryness. All the ice creams are sold out in the supermarkets, so we have to find another way to cool off ourselves.

Little babies
Especially for little babies under the age of 1, it’s not always fun with this weather. You can’t tell them why it’s so hot and they’re crying because of the temperature. When they start crying they getting hotter and hotter, so it’s like a vicious circle. I think it’s time to check which option there are to cool off a bit.

Babies may start swimming from 6 weeks if they are in good health and they eat and drink well. From this moment on, babies are well able to keep themselves warm and so we can go swimming with them. Of course swimming for the first time is a bit scary for some parents. Your child becomes very slippery in the water, which means you have to hold your little one extra securely. But BabyFloat has found the perfect gadget for that problem! They’ve designed a swimming ring that you can put around the neck of your baby.

I must confess that I had my doubt as well in the beginning. I thought it looked pretty sad and couldn’t imagine that those babies would absolutely love it! But after I practice a lot and saw a lot of video’s and stories, I saw how much they like it. There are no sharp edges because they finished it up on the inside of the BabyFloat. So it doesn’t heart your babies neck. The BabyFloat ensures that the head of your baby remains safe above water and can float wonderfully. They can move his arms and legs freely in the water. The great thing is that they’re weightless in the water and that means that they don’t have to spend a lot of effort to move.

Please always stay within reach of your baby while using this product. You still have to hold your little one and can’t completely let your baby go while doing something else. Swimming is always supervised and that means that you constantly have your eyes on your child!

Benefits of moving in the water
Before we’re going to talk about the benefits, you first have to ask yourself if your baby actually likes to swim. Playing in the water can be very relaxing and especially for babies who’re feeling a little tense. However, not everyone enjoys swimming. Just like adults. So first, always take a critical look at your baby if he/she likes it. The water relaxes your child and he can move wonderfully weightless. Especially children who have difficulty moving 'against gravity' find it wonderful to move in the water because it is simply less heavy in the water. Don’t be afraid that floating is bad for your babies neck; your baby is weightless in the water, so he wouldn’t feel anything about it. Plus it’s really nice for your little one to cool off a bit with this heat, provided the water isn’t too cold, that makes your baby a bit tense again. Babies who’re already more skilled can float on the belly or back (it doesn’t matter). Sometimes they even get small pieces ahead! How cool is that?


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